Chasing The Sun Since 2023.

About SCXV

Sun Country Virtual was founded in June 2023 after our Chief Pilot, flyinggoosey, had the chance to fly them in real life. Sun Country Virtual aims to provide Infinite Flight Pilots with the ability to join a like-minded community that brings the Sun Spirit to Infinite Flight. Our Virtual Airline features countless routes from our main hub in Minneapolis, as well as various other locations across North America. Our fleet includes the Sun Country Boeing 737-800 and the Prime Air Boeing 737.

A Message From Our CEO

Welcome to Sun Country Virtual! We are so excited to begin your journey here at this truly one of a kind Virtual LCC. I am inspired by the combination of our dedicated pilots and our unique route network that allows us to explore so many forgotten locations in Infinite Flight. "From the lakes of Minnesota to the hills of Tennessee, across the plains of Texas, from sea to shining sea, from Detroit down to Houston, and New York to L.A, I'm proud to be the founder of this VA. On behalf of the SCXV Staff Team, happy flying and cya in the skies!

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